Fav Quotes

"Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it."- Brian Cramer

Saatnya Kembali....

Gak kerasa udah 2 bulan lebih sejak terakhir gw nulis blog
Dan isi blog yang terakhir pun bukan berisi tentang hidup gw ato cerita yang gw pgen bagikan...

Seperti judul, "Saatnya Kembali..."
Mungkin orang yang baca ini bakal tanya, kembali kemana?
Gw langsung aja mulai dan yang baca ini bakal tau sendiri kembali kemana...

Sudah berbulan-bulan lamanya gw ngerasa kekosongan
Gw sempat stress sendiri, cari apa yang kosong dari gw
Gw dah coba menghibur diri dengan jalan-jalan terus bareng temen-temen, dan hasilnya kyknya sama aja gw pulang berujung dengan diem merenung gak tau mau ngapain dan mau ngapa-ngapain udah males...

Setelah sekian lama... mungkin baru sekarang, gw sadar apa yang gw cari...
Gw ternyata bodoh dengan mencari kemana-mana, dengan melakukan apapun juga...
Apa yang gw butuh, apa yang gw perlukan sampe sekarang ternyata gak pernah kemana-mana...
Ternyata kekosongan itu adalah kekosongan Rohani gw, gw rasa gw udah terlalu jauh dari Tuhan, sering bolong-bolong baca Alkitab, doa juga sering bolong, gereja juga gak pergi kalo gak enak badan, dll...

Tapi, Tuhan gak pernah ninggalin gw, Dia gak pernah pergi kemana-mana, Dia selalu setia menunggu gw untuk kembali, dan Dia selalu sayang sama gw apa adanya, mau seberapa jauh gw pergi, Dia selalu ada buat gw....

Gw gak bakal ngomong panjang lebar lagi, terus kali ini gw gak bagiin ayat tapi gw cman pengen ingetin semua yang baca ini....

"As long as you are giving away the things that God has given you, you can never be empty. His provisions are limitless; His grace is endless; His love is boundless. He will always replace what you have given and return to you in even greater measure the things you have given away."

Jangan pernah ragu untuk kembali ke Tuhan sekalipun kalian takut karena kalian melakukan dosa. Tuhan akan selalu ada buat kalian dan dia akan ampun dosa-dosa kalian. Dia gak pernah mau melihat masa lalu kita, Dia mau liat kita, diri kita sekarang, hati kita sekarang yang ingin bersama Tuhan...

"Nothing to do? Turn off your computer, read Bible, Pray and go to sleep....."

Pesan tambahan :
Kalo kalian emang pengen sharing sesuatu, kalian bisa kirim message di facebook, rahasia kalian terjaga, siapa tau gw pernah ngalamin juga dan gw bisa sharing juga ke kalian =)
GBU all

No Bible, No Sweet Dream! =) Good Night all!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi.. Pa kbr??
Masi inget gw?
Moga2 masi d... :D
Btw, gw jga pnah ngalamin hal2 yg ky l deskripsiin di post l... Sampe ga bsa konsen ngapa2in, pengennya diem merenung mulu...
Just that last year i managed to solve the problem by myself after a full month of consideration..
Just a suggestion, maybe it's not only the time to draw yourself closer to Him. Have u ever thought of your purpose of life? Now, it shd b the right time to start looking for it. It'll give u a sense of direction in life:)

Oh yeah, ive just read ur post on ur graduation as well.. I knw maybe it's too late to say this, but dont be discouraged of not achieving anything yet. Im sure everything that has happened was planned by Him and u'll be able to gain sth from it. Coba liat, lo udah bsa merasa ky gtu aj artinya u've learnt sth from it and it can help u to be better nxt time. Lagian, "dont judge each day by the harvest u reap, but by the seeds u plant"-robert louis stevenson, a success shd not be judged through the physical achievements we have reached; it is indeed the process in reaching the destination.
You might not knw but out there, many of your friends, relatives and even your enemies might have gained sth because of you without you realizing it. Out there, there might be quite a number of people who are thankful for your presence and they surely treasure you. You sure have done a proud for them:)
So, never regret anything you have done or chosen. You can learn at least a single lesson from each incident, even if it is a painful one. Just be grateful of what you have gained, and never be discouraged!
Up and on!


JonG said...

heiii, ini CP yang smp di dh kan?
haha stupid question sih siapa lagi yang punya initial seperti itu haha
of course i remember you hahaha
i'm good, hbu?

thanks for reading yah =)
thanks juga buat suggestions nya hehe i really appreciate it =)


Anonymous said...

May God bless you