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"Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it."- Brian Cramer

The Equation of Love

What is Love?

Love = 1 / Fear

This inverse relationship implies the more Fear you have within you, the less Love you will have and the less Fear you have the more Love you will have. I derived the equation from the Indifference Curves Analysis theory and it shows how our minds work. Think about how you feel at the beginning of a relationship when everything seems so wonderful and neither of the lovers have expressed any of their Fears. As the relationship progresses, the ugly part begins to emerge, and when it becomes difficult to deal with, you find Love disappearing faster than a runaway train going downhill.

Love = ( Time * Space * Energy ) ^ Will ( ^ describes exponential power ).

Time – is the biggest test of your relationship showing how long your Love has been able to hold the heat without melting.

Space – represents how much space you have had to express yourself as you are. When you cannot be who you are, the relationship ultimately collapses because there is no freedom for you beyond its confines. You feel bottled and throttled into a trap with no where to express your natural individuality.

Energy – initially I had chosen “matter" as this variable but then realized Quantum Physics describes all matter as energy. Energy represents all the things you have invested into the relationship.

Will – describes your willpower. It is the most influential factor which either exponentially increases or decreases all the other variables. Positive constructive will empowers your Love and negative deconstructive will destroys. Let's look at an example. Your partner may provide all the material needs of life, but if he/she bites you with sarcastic comments, your Love thermometer will fall as if you are standing in a deep freezer.

quoted from other website... i forgot the address sorry --' but i really like this one...

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