Fav Quotes

"Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it."- Brian Cramer

Happier You: Looking back at 2015

I know it's kinda late as people usually do this like end of the year or 1st day of the year. But better to be late then never. (Actually I didn't have any plan to write this at all but I suddenly felt like I had to; believing someone who read this will get benefit from this)

Well, for those who has never read my previous posts before, just to let you know, I just share my thought and what I have learned through my life.

Just like the title says..... Looking back at 2015... I don't want to tell a long story like going through each month chronologically. Here is just my main key take away.


2015 didn't really go as I expected, I must tell 2015 was one of the worst year for me but reflecting on it, I learned so many of valuable lessons.

But my main key take away from 2015 is....

To learn to love myself more, to find my own happiness and to

appreciate myself more.

It may sound so selfish, but for years I have been living my life to make other people happy. I spent most of my time thinking about how I can make people around me happy and I have failed so many times.

In 2015, I lost things that I considered part of the most important thing in my life. I was shattered into pieces. It drove me crazy but it was just part of our life. Time didn't heal me, but people around me and the lessons I took healed me.

Just like I said above, I spent too much time trying my best for other but I never really took time to see my self and never paid attention to my own happiness. I was burnt out, drained and so unmotivated.

This gave me time to see my current state which was in a complete mess. I wasn't happy about my life, I just faked it, pretended everything was okay until the bubble burst.

I was in too much stress and needed an escape. Well thanks to whatever happened, it made me to see and made me to be grateful about what I actually have, of course my family and friends, especially my best friends from high school. No wait, they are not best friends, they are more than that; I consider them as my own family, my brothers.

No, we don't stay in 1 country. I don't get to meet them so often as all three of them are in Indonesia and I am in Singapore. I can't thank them more as they knew I needed someone at that stage, and they took their time off (though they are busy) to be there for me. We all decided to go travel to Bangkok, Thailand. Friendship for almost 10 years, but we never really had even one time to travel, just 4 of us, to somewhere. This actually gave us a chance to be bonded more and to have time together. (Many more to come Bros!!)

They helped me a lot to build up back my confidence and to think positively and things turn out GREAT! I regained my happiness and great things started to happen to me; one of them was moving internally in the company to a department that I really wanted to go. Besides that I realized that I am much more happier now.

I learned a GREAT lesson in 2015. Life is about being happy. When we are happy, we are more motivated, inspired to make people around us to happy as well and our positive energy will spread around us. Not just being happy alone, not just making others happy, but to be happy together. Everyone deserves to be Happy.

My dream and what I believe is still the same. Everyone deserves to be happy and everyone has a reason to be happy no matter what happens in the life. I want to help others to see that, but I realized I need to take a good care of myself first. If I am not happy about myself, how am I going to make others happy. Let's make and do something that make everyone happy together.

I am starting to list down what I want to do and achieve next year which will make me happy.
To begin with, in 2016 I want to travel more, make more new friends and spend more time with my beloveds.

I am going to stop here, and I just want to tell you few more things.
If you are someone who was like me, focusing on other people happiness, please listen to me. It's your life, not others. Yes, they are part of your life but you are the author and main character in your
life. For everyone, please take a moment and think. Are you happy? Yes? Good! Keep it up. No? It's time for you to reflect and count your blessings, even a small thing will do. Be grateful about it and appreciate it. You deserve to be happy and you are meant to be happy. If things go against you, if the world seems to be against you, don't believe that. You have full control in your life, you can change it. You can be happy. Go out! See around! Challenge your fear and seek for things that makes you happy.

Let's make 2016 AWESOME~!!!